Objective: To evaluate relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and  sustainability of the ASEAN DSE programme
ASEAN Data Science Explorers is a regional data analytics programme, organised by the ASEAN Foundation and SAP. The programme promotes ASEAN awareness and equips youth across the 10 ASEAN Member States with data analytics and other 21st-century skills to thrive in the digital era.
Since 2017, the ASEAN DSE programme has empowered, impacted and engaged:
Over 100,000 high school and tertiary students aged 15 to 30, including underserved youths, engaged and empowered
Over 3,310 educators capacitated and impacted
55% female vs 45% male beneficiaries empowered and impacted
880 institutes of higher learning (IHL)
297 high schools
188 not-for-profit organisations
Objective: To evaluate relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and  sustainability of the ASEAN DSE programme
ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025 ASEAN Work Plan on Youth and Education 2016-2020
ASEAN Data Science Explorers is a regional data analytics programme, organised by the ASEAN Foundation and SAP. The programme promotes ASEAN awareness and equips youth across the 10 ASEAN Member States with data analytics and other 21st-century skills to thrive in the digital era.
Over 100,000 high school and tertiary students aged 15 to 30, including underserved youths, engaged and empowered
Over 3,310 educators capacitated and impacted
55% female vs 45% male beneficiaries empowered and impacted
880 institutes of higher learning (IHL)
297 high schools
188 not-for-profit organisations
positive impact score on career (high positive impact)
Net promotor score of 57.25 indicating an excellent experience for participants
developed additional skills not taught in the classrooms
found the programme to be a good complement to formal education
increased their awareness about ASEAN and UN-SDGs