Amarin Udomphol

Amarin Udomphol is one of the ASEAN DSE 2018 alumni and became a facilitator of the ASEAN DSE enablement session, data analytics training with SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC). He is now focusing on his bachelor study.
Since he was 18, he has been interested in the word “Data Science” and thought to study about it. Even though he ended up choosing business, deep in his mind, he believes the word “data” very important. One day, before the beginning of the first semester of the university, he found the ASEAN DSE competition on the Facebook feed by chance and figured out that it does not require any deep hard skill in programming language and he can learn it by participating the ASEAN DSE competition. Therefore, he gave it a try, making a team with his friend.
During his participation in the ASEAN DSE competition, he was able to get a sense of analytical thinking and critical thinking such as deriving the meaning of insight and how to utilize it. To be more specific, he could spot the pattern among the different business data faster and use SAC to extract the insight of data. Moreover, he also had a chance to visit SAP Southeast Asia – headquarters office in Singapore where he could see how company can utilize business intelligence in various parts of the business related to day-to-day life.
After graduating ASEAN DSE 2018, he was invited to be the facilitator to moderate the training session for the Redemptorist foundation in Thailand. He accepted it since it is a good chance for people to learn from him and at the same time it is a great opportunity to improve himself. Also, he was qualified in that he was assisting the team to translate the SAC Manual into the Thai language at that time. On top of that, the main objective for him to become a trainer was to transform the pre-existing context of words such as “Data analytics” and “Big Data” so that people could see an opportunity in it and get inspired from these words.
Unlike participating ASEAN DSE as a participant, he felt more responsibilities as a facilitator for enablement sessions and must prepare well to make it sure that every participant could receive his message correctly. Before the beginning of the session, facilitators must ensure that participants were completing the checklist such as the account details and whether participants were equipped with the manual in their local language or not so that they can go back to manual in the case that they miss something during the session. Moreover, it was extremely difficult for him to observe the participants’ reaction as they were using one main computer and project the screen on the big wall. He could just observe their reaction only from the main camera and there was no two-way communication. So, to make it sure if the participants received his message or not, he should check his file to see whether they were able to save the finished file. It was demanding at first but as time went by, it became easier. Finally, after the first half of the session, he was impressed by commitment of participants, figuring out at least 21 from 41 participants were able to create a model on SAP Analytics Cloud!
He described the ASEAN DSE competition as “Excitement” and highly recommended for youths to participate in ASEAN DSE. This is because it can give a chance for youths to use SAC for free which is really useful in exploring data and gaining insight into the area that you are interested in. What is more, this competition would offer a real hands-on experience for youths who are willing to explore what data analytic is and strengthen programming language skills. Lastly, he strongly believes that this experience will expand the chance of getting a dream job or studying based on the fact that analytic skills and critical thinking are more needed in society.